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League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular and competitive multiplayer online battle


League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular and competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games in the world. It has a huge following, and with that comes a growing e-sports scene where players compete in tournaments for big cash prizes. In addition to their skills, LoL players are also known for their looks, with many fans often commenting on their physical characteristics. In this article, we will take a look at some of the players' appearances and determine who we think has the best e-sports looks.

The Contenders

Before we dive in, let's take a moment to introduce our contenders. These players are well-known within the LoL community, and have made a name for themselves not only for their skill, but also for their looks. Our contenders are:

Uzi - A Chinese LoL player known for his aggressive playing style and impressive mechanics.

Faker - A South Korean player often considered one of the best LoL players in the world.

GorillA - A former LoL player from South Korea known for his support play style and his unique facial hair.

Perkz - A Croatian player known for his quick thinking and versatile play style.

Ming - Another Chinese player known for his support play style and his resemblance to the actor Eddie Peng.

The Judging Criteria

So, how will we be judging these players? We will be focusing on a combination of their facial features, hairstyles, and overall grooming habits. This means we will be looking at everything from their bone structure to their choice in clothing. We are looking for the complete package when it comes to e-sports attractiveness.

The Face-Off

Let's get down to it and start with Uzi. Uzi has a strong jawline and piercing eyes that give him an intense look. He has a slightly rounded face, which works well for his overall appearance. However, his choice in hairstyle could use some improvement. His messy, unkempt hair detracts from his otherwise impressive appearance.

Faker, on the other hand, has a more delicate face with softer features. His slightly narrow chin and high cheekbones give him a youthful look. His dark hair and piercing gaze add to his charming appearance. However, his lack of facial hair does leave him with a slightly incomplete look, which could benefit from some added grooming.

GorillA certainly stands out from the crowd with his unique facial hair. His choice in a goatee and mustache makes him easily recognizable. However, we have to say that the added facial hair does not quite work to his advantage. It detracts from his otherwise well-defined jawline and sharp features. If GorillA were to shave, we think he would quickly become a fan-favorite in the looks department.

Perkz has a symmetrical face with a defined jawline and angular cheekbones. His messy hair is stylish and adds to his overall appearance. He also has a great sense of fashion, which we should note. His clothing choices enhance his looks, and he exudes a certain confidence that adds to his overall attractiveness on and off the game stage.

Finally, we have Ming. He has an angular face with sharp cheekbones that work well with his chiseled jawline. His resemblance to Eddie Peng only adds to his overall appeal. However, his hair could use a bit of grooming to really make it stand out. A visit to the stylist could easily take Ming from good-looking to stunning.

The Results

After careful consideration and analysis of their appearances, we have come to a conclusion. The player with the best e-sports looks is Perkz. His symmetrical face, great sense of fashion, and confidence make him stand out among the competition. However, we have to say that the other players are certainly not far behind. All of them have unique and attractive features that make them fan-favorites in the looks department. E-sports players are more than just great gamers, after all.

So, there you have it. Our assessment of the best-looking LoL players in the game. Who's your favorite among the contenders?